Self Managed Super Funds

Want more control of your superannuation?

There are a number of ways that you can take control of your super.

If you would like to take a more hands-on approach to your superannuation investments then perhaps a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) is right for you.

With your own SMSF you:

  • Decide what you invest in

  • Operate the fund’s bank account

  • Invest directly in shares in companies you are familiar with

  • Invest in commercial or residential property that you have chosen

  • Borrow to invest, providing certain conditions are met

  • May reduce your administration fees

  • Take advantage of the tax concessions available to superannuation

With a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund, you have absolute discretion, within the superannuation laws, in the choice and type of your investments, including:

  • Property

  • Term deposits

  • Australian/international shares

  • Managed funds

However superannuation law can be complicated and often changes, which makes managing a SMSF a considerable responsibility.

Should you require specialist investment advice, our McMillans Financial Planning team can assist you.

Our Self-Managed Superannuation Fund team monitor funds on either a quarterly or half yearly basis utilising real time technology to ensure information is current and event based reporting is managed.

Talk to us about the pathway that would suit your funds.

Let us help you:

  • Establish your fund including all the statutory paper work

  • On instruction or via a SOA from a licensed financial planner

  • Provide the most effective superannuation tax strategies for your own situation

  • Take care of all regulatory compliance

  • Proactively advise changes in SMSF legislation

  • Facilitating annual independent audit

  • Transfer of existing funds

  • Pension establishment

  • Update dashboard reporting

  • Event based reporting

With our specialist SMSF team, you can be assured of the highest level of service, professionalism and the utmost attention to detail.

Package Services

Self-Managed Superannuation Fund Service Packages

Better Investor

Through regular contact we will assist you with monitoring performance, ensuring tax efficiency and identifying critical actions.

Efficient Investor

We’ll help you maintain efficient, timely and accurate investment and tax information to help you achieve better cash flow and outcomes for your efforts.

Sound Investor

Well presented and accurate financial reports and tax returns prepared by reputable professionals are essential for your dealings with financiers, suppliers, customers and the ATO.

Attending to all communications with the ATO and ASIC and including a full annual corporate review, you can have confidence that your compliance obligations are being expertly handled on your behalf.

McMillans compliance services give you the peace of mind you need in dealing with government authorities.